Viviana Zargón
b. 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Viviana Zargón
b. 1958 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tangencies and other imperfect gestures
2.8.18 - 1.9.18
The sample of the PAC foto 2017 program brings together a selection of work by the participating photographers that has been curated by the teaching team; Ariel Authier, Bruno Dubner and Rosana Shoejttet. The main tangency on which the sample pivots is the research from which it is the result. Because that punctum bears the weight of articulating the artists' experience with the teaching-learning journey that lasted for several months. From work to work, from artist to artist, each one with its particular support and arrangement, each with its idea of the photographic image, the proposal is choral and dialogic.
In the workspace inaugurated by PAC foto, each of the participants presented themselves as "being" after something that they did not have at hand, something about their own photographic project, which even in their desire eluded them ... but what is that "Thing" that is missing from the work, from the idea, from the work? Can it be discovered or found in dialogue with teachers and peers? That which you have but that is still missing, that which is pursued in research is always a movement, a displacement, the imperfect gesture.
Alejandra González, Estrella Herrera, Facundo Pires, Gigo Lawsky, Juane Odriozola, Luciana Berneri, Luisiana Anderson, Martín del Pozo, Martín Volman, Pilar Villasegura, Sofía López Mañan and Triana Leborans exhibit here a clipping of their work that is an indication, sign, gesture and product of the very personal journey of his research. What we see - in its material diversity and with its own name - is, for the curators, the work of each artist that has reached the heart of the issues that circulated in their personal research.
I said, above, that it is a dialogical exhibition and the conversation we are witnessing is sustained on some shared axes: the materiality of the photographic image itself - its grain, the multiple supports, light and time - and the narrative of each author. I highlight from these stories something that I think they share; the tension between matter, the living and the psychosocial - that is; the collective and the cultural. Space and time, internal and external environments (concave and convex), its objects, those who inhabit it, and the agency of technique are dimensions of being that are presented in the work of these photographers. In the tour of the photographs selected for the exhibition, my reflection on what I see draws on two theorists whose ideas are also tangent to my own imperfect gestures: Gilbert Simondon and Barthes. The first with his words about the technique as a heuristic detonator in that it allows thinking to go beyond that other that gave rise to it. The second, in the context of this exhibition, recovers the beautiful concept of sapientia: "no power, a bit of prudent knowledge and the maximum possible flavor".
Daniela gutierrez