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1958, Rosario,  Argentina

Dama de Shanghái 1





Shanghai Ladies
Right away I found out that those portraits, which had “shanghaied” me, came from some particular almanacs called yuefenpai (月份 牌), literally a calendar poster in Chinese. Today, sought after by many collectors and reproduced ad infinitum on postcards and posters, these advertising almanacs were produced in Shanghai and had their heyday in the 1920s and 1930s. In their brilliant chromolithographs, illustrated by male artists, we find glamorous representations of the modern Chinese woman who, like the fatal woman in film noir, while being the object of the male gaze to which she offers herself, challenges –in her own way and by her own visibility– the patriarchal order. Modern women who are the subject of discussion in today's society, particularly in Shanghai's society, and whose echoes, those of this discussion, currently resonate in our society.

In the convulsed China of the 1920s, the New Woman, in Chinese Xīn nǚxìng (新 女性), became the standard of all those who sought a change in society. The struggle for a change in the cultural paradigm that would assign a new role to women (in a country emerging from a patriarchal feudal system in which women had almost no voice and no visibility except as a courtesan) became a central theme for diverse interests, local and foreign, from politics to advertising. Also in cinema, whose industry was installed in Shanghai. During its golden age, the 1930s, many of the films, especially those of leftist ideology, had the "New Woman" as their theme and its subversive potential for a patriarchal tradition. In many cases the roles, especially in their tragic fate, bore similarities to future femmes fatales in film noir. The men directors were in charge of pointing out the correct path for the modernization of women. A male character makes it clear in a film: "Only those who are more self-sufficient, more rational, more brave and more aware of public welfare can be truly modern women!"
Fragment of the curatorial text by Daniel García, 2019





'Freak' as a pretext
While they sing and hum, some in half language, they all move with spastic contortions, "we accept you, you are one of us, gooba-gobble, gooba-gobble!". A little boy walks through the table and gives them to drink from a huge cup, acting as a profane communion. The bearded woman, the Siamese women, the clown, Hercules, the hermaphrodite, the armless and the legless are happy and celebrating the union of Hans, the dwarf, with Cleopatra, the trapeze artist. Everyone laughs except Frieda, the Lilliputian who looks like a doll and is in love with Hans. The drunken scene, bacchanal of open and drooling mouths, is cut off by the shout of "freaks!" that releases the "normal" aerialist on all of them, while saying it to herself, without knowing it yet. In this way, with that yowl is sealed not only the extraordinary film that Tod Browing shooted in 1932, but the use of that word. Everything is going to be very different, in terms of imagination and semantics, after Freaks. The one who does know this is Daniel García, and against that backdrop, with that film and with the posters that advertised these attractions, the Freak Shows at fairs and circuses in the United States, he began to paint his acrobats. He paints those images of complicated poses, folded bodies and deformed postures on the edges of the canvas. There he makes them fit to start the routines of each one of them. He restricts the place to a minimum, in the small squares; takes it to its maximum expression, in the large formats. In any case, he transforms the redoubt contained in those frames into an experimentation arena.
Not only in the twisting of limbs and trunks of the figures, García confirms that he knows how to decompose the human body, make it elastic and bend it until it is ready to be put in a pocket, but in that formal drift there is a sentimental journey, in going from what has been learned in figuration to the metamorphoses of new geometries The human form, so present in his paintings, attracts us with a singular empathy. The colors of the suits, those yellows, greens and muted blues, work as an emotional theory of color. The backgrounds are scratched and worn not only to account for the passage of time. Also to endow them with a certain longing, a singular affection for those objects rescued from time and memory. They are paintings to love as we do with some people and animals. Something strange happens with the legs that wrap us in hugs, turns that caress us, arms that attract us to slide through our eyes and close them to take us away. To a world of acceptances, of balance and good coexistence. Where we are accepted in our differences and that it is fulfilled, as in the aforementioned movie, that if we hurt one we are doing it to everyone. Because if that happens, we already know that the revenge of the freaks is true and ruthless.
Laura Isola, 2016 
Curatorial text for the exhibition Acrobats and Wolves




Little Paintings of Flowers 

Look at the flowers that are always faithful to the earth... 
Rainer Maria Rilke

The scene is repeated: a vase or jar with flowers, upon a fragment of surface and with a plain or tiled background. In each, the flowers are standing, shorn from their habitat, fully exposed to those who view them. Some arrangements are more generous than others, they alternate between the moderation and exuberance of plant life. 
Within this repetition, variation occurs in the colours and types of flowers, in the different vases or jars, which themselves, in turn, carry images of flowers or sketch out a scene, a smoothness or a transparency. 
These ‘little paintings of flowers’ are presented as floral potlatchs, offered as domestic sacrifices to ornament and pure expense. 
What is visible in each of the small pictures is the inevitable end: the deterioration of the epiphany of freshness and splendor, like the flame of a candle:"'A stalk of fire! Can we ever know how much it perfumes?' says the poet Jabés. The stem of the flame is so straight and so fragile that the flame is a flower."(Gaston Bachelard). What is invisible is the fragrance and the original tree or plant in which the flower was fortunate destiny.
The container - the receptacle that fulfills the double function of simultaneously containing and exhibiting - participates in the ornamental composition, maintaining the group of flowers in relation to the hollow, the emptiness, and also sustaining its vital breath with water, air and light. 
In Myths on the Origin of Fire, James G. Frazer says that "when the Menri came in contact with the Malays, they found among them a red flower (gant’gn: in Malay gantang)). They gathered in a circle round it and stretched their arms out over it to warm themselves." Perhaps all flowers are flames, seeking essential unity with fire and light.

Gilda Di Crosta 

Dama de Shanghái 1



4.5.19 -  15.6.19

Shanghai ladies. Daniel Garcia


When, in 1947, Orson Welles called his film The Lady from Shanghai -based on the novel If I Die Before I Wake, by Sherwood King- he was associating it with a short in time but large series of films that evoked in Western viewers all the stereotypes of an ancient and mysterious China along with images of luxury, danger and prostitution. The list is extensive: Shanghai Express (1932) and The Shanghai Gesture (1942) by Josef Von Sternberg; West of Shanghai (1937) by John Farrow, with Boris Karloff; Le Drame De Shanghaï (1938) by Georg Wilhelm Pabst; Shadows Over Shanghai (1938) by Charles Lamont; Daughter Of Shanghai (1937) starring Chinese-American star Anna May Wong; Charlie Chan in Shanghai (1935) and many others, to which Hitchcock's Rich and Strange (1931) could be added, which in the United States was projected as East of Shanghai.


Welles's film does not take place in China, and the eastern country has no more influence on the plot than a scene in a Chinese theater in San Francisco. Shanghai, a port city enriched by the opium trade, full of brothels and gambling houses, is in the title to accentuate the femme fatale character of its protagonist, Rita Hayworth and show that she has, as it happens with Marlene Dietrich and Anna May Wong in Shanghai Express, a past.


At the beginning of the film, a dialogue reveals the character of Elsa Bannister and Michael O'Hara (the characters of Hayworth and Welles). He defines himself as a "poor sailor" who rescues his lady in danger, whom he baptizes as "Princess Rosalie." She, no princess, reveals that she lived in Zhifu and worked as a gambler in Macau, cities in China considered by O'Hara as the two most vicious in the world. How do you rate Shanghai? I also worked there ”Elsa retorts. O'Hara asks her if she worked as a player, hoping she was lucky. She implies that not only did she work on the game, but also grimly adds, "It takes more than luck in Shanghai."


The trailer for Welles's film describes the character played by Hayworth in these terms "There was no man who could be sure of her." An enigmatic, independent, insubordinate woman, and because of it, seductive and dangerous. The fatal woman, according to Jean Pierre Esquenazi in his book Film Noir, is “a prisoner of the gaze of men and freed from any obligation, often cruel and always seductive, eternally condemned to die, guides the narrative towards collapse and ruin . But at the same time it allows a glimpse of the narrow path to a freedom that has been difficult to achieve in the context of a violent social organization. The hero is a woman! ”.


There is, I suppose, another reason why Orson Welles included Shanghai (which is not mentioned in the original novel) in the title of that dreamlike and labyrinthine film. Since the mid-nineteenth century, that city had given rise to an English verb: shanghaied, which designated those sailors enlisted by force or deception. Probably because it was the main destination of the ships that, from ports like Portland or San Francisco, set sail with forced crews. Over time, the meaning expanded to "kidnapped" or "inducing someone to do something by fraudulent means." This is the situation of Michael O'Hara who, embarking almost against his will on a journey that he always wants to abandon, is led by deceit to participate in a criminal plot. Other less prominent film productions coined the term: a short film by Chaplin from 1915 and a drawing of Mickey Mouse from 1934, are entitled Shanghaied.


And my Shanghai Ladies? A beast. This is how commonly the French term chinoiserie is translated (first appearing in a novel by Balzac in 1836), which names the artistic style based on the imitation of the arts of China and East Asia in general. Emerged in the 16th century, it reached its peak in the following centuries, as trade with the East increased. Suddenly Chinese pavilions, gardens and pagodas proliferated throughout Europe. Associated with the rococo, it was cultivated by François Boucher, Jean-Baptiste Pillement, Jean-Antoine Watteau and countless other artists and craftsmen. Plagued by Western stereotypes and preconceptions, it manifested itself in painting, ceramics, wallpaper, and architecture.

My chinery arises from the seduction exerted by some images found on the internet: luminous portraits, painted with naive realism. Iconic figures of smiling oriental youths, with interwar western hairstyles, dressed in colorful, fitted qipaos and surrounded by flowers.


Usually the attraction exerted by some images is what leads me to draw and paint, taking them as a reference and, sometimes, also to embark on something like an investigation (the word far exceeds the task, but it is valid). This investigation does not precede the works, but runs in parallel.


Right away I found out that those portraits, which had "shanghaized" me, came from particular almanacs called yuefenpai (月份 牌), literally a calendar poster, in Chinese. Now sought after by many collectors and reproduced ad infinitum on postcards and posters, these advertising almanacs were produced in Shanghai and had their heyday in the 1920s and 1930s. In their brilliant chromolithographs, illustrated by male artists, we find glamorous depictions of the modern Chinese woman who, like the fatal woman in film noir, while being the object of the male gaze to which she offers herself, challenges –in her own way and by her own visibility– the patriarchal order. Modern woman who is the subject of discussion in today's society, particularly in Shanghainese, and whose echoes, those of this discussion, currently resonate in our society.


In the convulsed China of the 1920s, the New Woman, in Chinese Xīn nǚxìng (新 女性), became the standard of all those who sought a change in society. The struggle for a change in the cultural paradigm that would assign a new role to women (in a country that emerged from a patriarchal feudal system in which women had almost no voice, no visibility except as a courtesan) became a central theme for diverse interests, local and foreign, from politics to advertising. Also in the cinema, whose industry was installed in Shanghai. During its golden age, the 1930s, many of the films, especially those of leftist ideology, had as their theme the "New Woman" and its subversive potential for a patriarchal tradition. In many cases the roles, especially in their tragic fate, bore similarities to future femmes fatales in film noir. The directors, men, were in charge of pointing out the correct path for the modernization of women. A male character makes it clear in a film: "Only those who are more self-reliant, more rational, more courageous and more aware of the public welfare can be truly modern women!"


The new woman also found her place in publications, notably in The Young Companion, also called Liángyǒu (良友) in Chinese, an illustrated magazine with bilingual texts published in Shanghai from February 1926 and dedicated to modern women. Edited by men, its covers featured (with very few exceptions) beautiful female celebrities, actresses like Ana May Wong, Hu Die, Chen Bo'er, painters like Guan Zilan, Georgette Chen or Liang Xueqing, athletes like Yang Xiuqiong, writers like Hu Lanqi (member of the Chinese branch of the German Communist Party, future military leader of the war against Japan). Many of the faces on the covers of The Young Companion will appear in the yuefenpai of the 1930s, which will take them as models.


Forced by the decline of traditional patronage systems - in a context influenced by the spread of European painting and photography - and encouraged by the great growth of the printing industry, many artists dedicated themselves, from the end of the 19th century , to commercial illustration. They thus made a living illustrating magazines or novels, designing attractive book covers or drawing advertisements for newspapers. The paintings for the popular Yuefenpai were another possible means of subsistence for the artists, as well as a way to make their art known in a massive way. Introduced from the West, but connecting with a popular tradition of almanacs, these advertising calendar posters, in a vertical rectangular format, generally showed the products that advertised in a small lower section, on the sides an annual calendar and on the large central zone sometimes landscapes or flower arrangements although the most popular motif was the female figure. Initially dressed in traditional clothing and set in elaborate architectural settings, they represented ancient legends and ancestral stories. The entire poster was painted with equal sharpness and attention to detail. The merchandise, the people, the flowers, everything shone brilliantly and there were no more shadows than those strictly necessary to hint at depth. The yuefenpai had a lot of montage, and many times the advertised products and illustrated subjects were incongruous with each other. Even, especially in the 1930s, the women portrayed sometimes seemed to be made up of parts that didn't quite fit together.


Converted into sophisticated pieces of folk art, given by shops as gifts to their customers, sold in street bazaars, or as a reward to subscribers of certain magazines, the yuefenpai became very popular and ubiquitous. Hundreds of commercial artists worked on its design and illustration, who, while enjoying relative freedom, had to respect certain demands of the customers whose products they promoted.


At the beginning of the 20th century, Zhou Muqiao, using traditional Chinese painting techniques, but incorporating certain Western conventions such as perspective, reflections or fixed points of illumination, designed calendars for the British American Tobacco Company and other foreign companies. Although he regularly took his themes from Chinese legends or novels, Muqiao was one of the main introducers of a new motif on calendar posters: oversized figures of beautiful contemporary women (generally courtesans) dressed in traditional fashion. , already common theme in paintings or collections of prints.


In 1916 a group of female painters sued the painter Zheng Mantuo unsuccessfully for "painting female nudes to the delight of frivolous young men, transforming pure bodies into indecent and consequently bringing shame and humiliation to women." In addition to his nudes, Mantuo was famous for his technical prowess. He developed a procedure, called Cābǐ shuǐcǎi (擦 笔 水彩) or Cābǐ dàncǎi (擦 笔 淡彩), based on the rubbing of coal dust with a cotton ball on paper that he then colored with watercolors, which gave great realism to the portraits without employ lines. In the early 1920s he became the most popular of the yuefenpai illustrators. In many of them he painted stylized young women with a book in their hands, short bob hair and student clothes. Those representations captured the ideals of modernization expressed by the May Fourth Movement - a movement that emerged from a university revolt in 1919 and led by the future founders of the Chinese Communist Party. Her paintings caused a sensation, not only because of the modernity of the outfits, but because Chinese tradition outlawed female education. A proverb from the Ming dynasty said: "Ignorance is the virtue of women." The new fashion, as it appeared on the Mantuo posters, was perceived as a sign of emancipation and an affirmation of freedom. Cutting her hair, the long traditional braid, was seen as a removal of her feminine qualities and therefore a shift from the place to which the rigid Chinese patriarchal society relegated women. In some Mantuo paintings there are women dressed in qipaos, the equivalent of the male tunic called changpao. During the 1920s, it was worn tight at the shoulders, but loose below, thereby hiding the feminine curves, which, together with the usual tight bandaging of the breasts and the bob-style haircut, increased the androgynous character of modern woman.


Everything changes in the following decade. In the 1930s, modernization is westernization, and westernization is consumption. The modern woman, whose visibility has become disturbing, is now presented in a very different way. The young students from Zheng Mantuo have disappeared. Already at the end of the previous decade, Hang Zhiying's study had taken over the popularity of the yuefenpai, using a sophisticated style that brought together Chinese and European techniques to achieve, although without abandoning a certain naivety, a greater realism in quality. of the representation of the skin, in the modeling of the body and in the details of the luxurious clothes and accessories. The women painted by Hang Zhiying and the artists in his studio feature strong sex appeal, more western and lush bodies, and their now tailored, sometimes semi-transparent chemises reveal their accentuated curves. The bandage of the breasts has disappeared (the bodice was introduced in China during the 1920s) and the paintings enhance its volume. The poses, the flowers that surround them (in China, flower is a euphemism for prostitute) give strong signals of sexual availability. In other almanacs, physical sensuality gives way to chic: in close-ups, as if it were for sale, jewelry, luxurious dresses, elegant fox fur stoles or sophisticated bags with art deco designs are displayed.


The disturbing visibility of women and the discussion of their role in society were somehow neutralized, turning modern women into a mere matter of appearance and elegance, associated with luxury items. "Because women were, in a sense, a disposable, marketable commodity, their association with luxury items was a natural consequence," notes Francesca Dal Lago. The yuefenpai "contributed to creating a hybrid format of gender representation in which women are portrayed simultaneously as subject and object of commercial and sexual consumption." While, on the one hand, women were presented as the ideal vehicle and the most obvious and successful result of modernization, on the other, they were discredited as frivolous and zuó (作, very demanding), interested in money and goods materials, concerned only with her own enjoyment and with questionable morals.


This sensual and voluptuous female representation was modified by the pressure of the nationalist government of the Kuomintang, which had its own ideas of what the modern woman should be: educated and healthy, beautiful and athletic, but concerned with caring for her home and raising many healthy children. strong for the greatness of the nation. For much of the 1930s, yuefenpai, showing images of sensual bodies, coexisted with others that exposed another stereotype, upper-class women, dressed in uniquely designed qipaos, affectionately holding plump children in generally Western clothing.


When in 1937, after months of hard fighting the Japanese, who already controlled Manchuria, took Shanghai, foreign companies began to leave a city that was isolated from the rest of the country. The production of yuefenpai, as well as other illustrations, was significantly reduced. Some artists refused to work for the Japanese. Hang Zhiying closed his studio to dedicate himself to traditional Chinese painting. Activity recovered in 1945 after the war, but finally the production of yuefenpai completely ceased with the Communists in power in 1949. Many artists then adapted to producing propaganda posters. Li Mubai and Jin Xuechen, both from Zhiying's studio, became masters of the new style. The kind of naive, colorful and luminous realism developed to stimulate capitalist consumption in the 1920s and 1930s was transformed into the official art style after 1949, in the brilliant posters of optimistic socialist propaganda.


This story is not specifically about my paintings, but about the images that motivated them, about what I was investigating while painting my paintings. What attracted me to these yuefenpai, even before knowing their history, was their color and their kitsch exoticism. His ambiguous oscillation between beautiful tangible images and at the same time clearly illusory. Its hybrid character, montage, even in the bodies and, why not, the "errors" in the proportions or perspectives.


The first yuefenpai I saw were the gateway to a whole world of images and stories, in which I was immersing myself and with which I was reacting with my own paintings. Stories that exceed this text, such as the introduction of lithography in China, the works of modern Chinese painters in Western style, or the fate of many Shanghai ladies as comfort women in the Japanese army.


Ladies of Shanghai, this gathering of great paintings, drawn portraits and paintings of funeral vases and urns, is intended to be a tribute to the artists who influenced me and, above all, to the women. To those of Shanghai of then and to the current ones.



Daniel Garcia


Dama de Shanghái 1




Daniel García (Rosario, Argentina, 1958)

Daniel García's paintings navigate through the diversity of images and styles. His entire production is situated in an anachronistic time. According to Lara Marmor, García's works "are traversed by the past because, by way of tribute or theft, the works are born from quotes and references to other painters." In his works the painting process is also manifested as a sign of exploration of pictorial language. In the final image, the viewer finds marks on the surface of the canvas: intentional scratches, lines and strips reveal the story behind the image. 

Daniel García has been exhibiting his works since 1981 in museums and art spaces in Argentina and abroad. He has been selected to participate in the 47th Venice Biennale (1997), 6th Havana Biennial Art Exhibition (Cuba, 1997), 1st and 2nd Mercosur Visual Arts Biennial (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1997, 1999) and De Ponta-Cabeça, the 1st Biennial of Fortaleza (Brazil, 2002). 

He featured his work in numerous solo exhibitions such as: Identidades (Galería EstudioG, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2020); Damas de Shanghái (Galería Gachi Prieto, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2019); Pequeñas pinturas de Flores (Galería Mar Dulce, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2019);  Acróbatas y Lobos (Galería Isabel Anchorena, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016); Pequeñas Criaturas (Galería Mar Dulce, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015); Casi Boyitas (Galería Mar Dulce, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013):  Nachleben (Centro Cultural Haroldo Conti, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012); Elogio de la obsolescencia (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Salta, Argentina, 2012) and Retrovisor (Museo Emilio Caraffa, Córdoba, Argentina, 2010). 
Regarding awards and contests, he has been selected to participate in the Visual Arts Contests (2018) by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes and received an award for the category Bidimensional Work. He also received the Konex Merit Diploma (Konex Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2002); the 3rd Prize in the National Salon of Rosario (Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2001) and the 2nd Acquisition Prize of the Costantini Collection Awards in 1997, among others. 
His work is part of renowned private collections and museums such as: Museo Castagnino+macro (Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina); Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires, Argentina); MALBA (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Museo de Arte Latinoamericano -  Colección Constantini (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Museo Emilio Caraffa (Córdoba, Argentina); Museo Dr. Jun Ramón Vidal (Corrientes, Argentina); Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Salta, Argentina); Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Salta, Argentina); Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina); Fondo Nacional de las Artes (Buenos Aires, Argentina); Hess Art Collection (Colomé, Salta, Argentina) y Napa Valley (United States).  


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