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That which I also forget.

Martin Salinas

Curator: Carlos Herrera

22.6.16  - 29.7.16

The Morus Alba tree is a species that is cultivated for the specificity of its leaves. Its quality compared to the leaves of other mulberry trees stands out for its fluffiness and smoothness. They are used to exclusively feed silkworms that fiercely engulf these leaves. Their instincts drive them to this constant action; Well, after several weeks they must build their fluffy cocoons with an extensive and thin thread that they themselves generate and thus prepare for mutation and metamorphosis.

Forgetfulness takes hold of us when when handling a piece of silk and surrounding it in our hands or torso, its primitive and natural past seems to be stored in our unconscious. These worms building their own home / destiny also seem to quickly forget their work done; they must skip in order to transform into butterflies and continue their short life cycle. It is clear, that is their mission.

The naked body of that butterfly that just out of its cocoon goes in search of its copulation, egg laying and death, represents in a single act the forgetfulness of our fragile mind. That event of finitude is now the mental modus. We are positioned in that moment, that of the construction of the home, that of copulation, that of eggs, that of death, that of oblivion, in order to understand omission as a transcendental and primal gesture.
I can't stop thinking about that act all together, piled up in my consciousness, between my memories and vivid moments that, nailed to a membrane of my brain, formally compose that being that I am.

I cannot stop thinking about the construction that Martín Salinas composes in his works as an urgent act where that moment of mental fragility manifests itself piled up, manipulated, veiled and as the founding constructor of the altered sense of his forgetfulness, of his creative metamorphosis.

I have stopped thinking of the artistic manifestation as an act of faith, I have stopped thinking about the connection with the viewer who, naked, surrenders to the act, I have stopped thinking of myself as an entity of strength and light, because that is not my mission. I only think of the omission and forgetfulness of what precedes things, I only think of the fragility of our minds and their food as a way of life.

Carlos Herrera

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